Qirat Shahid 2075 west18 street Brooklyn NY,11223 (718)679-5822 1247sobia@gmail.com   January 31,2023   Elisabeth von Uhl, Instructor City college of New York 160 Convent Ave, New York, NY 10031   Dear Professors Elisabeth Von Uhl          Today I am writing to you to inform you about myself, my dream, goals and my future.         My major is biomedical engineering. I want to study biomedical engineering because it was very interesting to me. My career goal is to improve human health. My short term goal is to gain a degree in biomedical engineering. My long term goal is to invite new …

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From: Qirat Shahid    Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2023 11:21 P.M Pacific Standard Time   To:Dr. Vincent Boudreau   Cc: Elisabeth Von Uhl   Subject: Webassign is the best way for a college student to learn because it is easy to access and has a lot of resources.   As you are planning for this year’s expenses for the mathematics department. I want to share my thoughts on it.   Over the years, I have taken many math classes at the City College of New York. I have taken math 190, math 195, and calculus 1. When I was taking …

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